We visited the International Finance Centre to carry out the snagging prior to practical completion for the third building. This stage of the scheme has been carried out by ROK Construction for Jersey Development Company in St Helier. It was good to see the first two building landscapes becoming more established and well used by office workers and those passing through or visiting the ground floor coffee shops. The trees were coming into leaf and the tilted lawn and raised planters were looking green and lush.

The third building landscape consisted of another street with picnic benches, granite seating, raised planters and a smaller lawn. An extensive green wall was also designed at the entrance to the basement which was looking fantastic in both the sun and shade. The planting selection was intended to reflect the naturistic planting that is found cascading down the rocky cliffs at the edge of the town as it steeply rises towards Fort Regent.

We are now progressing with the design of the landscape for the fourth building and hope to see this final quarter of Trenton Square take shape.